Latest Lottery News

$1,000,000 Lottery Winner offers to buy house he pays rent for!

$1,000,000 Lottery Winner offers to buy house he pays rent for!

Monday, April 18, 2016

California Lottery:

Christian Searing, from Riverside County has changed his whole outlook on life after hitting the jackpot! He's a new lottery player, only playing for the past half a year, however in this time he's always been going for what he wants, scratching just the barcode of his ticket to check if he's won a prize.

Finally this has paid off, the Deluxe 7's Playbook Scratchers game, which he purchased at Depot Deli and Liquor- 200 West Florida Avenue has landed him the top prize of $1,000,000.

The retailer will receive a financial incentive of $5,000 for selling the winning ticket.

Searing found out he was a winner on his way to pay his family's rent to the landlord, armed with the realization that he was now a millionaire he offered to pay for the whole house outright. His other plans for the future include starting a business, helping his family and opening college funds for his children.


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