Latest Lottery News

It’s just stupid luck

It’s just stupid luck

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Having cashed $100 000 lottery winnings last year, you wouldn’t expect to get that lucky again. Quite content with your luck so far, you would probably engage yourself in more practical thoughts and focus on spending your winning in the best way possible. Besides, since none of your friends have won over a tenner in the lottery over their lifetime, you’d probably resort to not wasting your money on buying more lottery tickets altogether. Luck doesn’t strike twice (at least from your lifelong experience), why take your chance?

Now, this is where you would get it wrong! As from 53-year-old Frank Derfield’s perspective, you can actually get lucky in a lottery more than once. Frank has been playing lottery since 1984. And his second winning was 50 times bigger than his first one! Against all the odds, he has won $5,000,000 in the new California Lottery 100X the Money Scratchers® game.

Just over a year after landing his first winnings, he was returning home after vising his GP and briefly stopped at the local corner shop. You guessed it right! It was the WC. Liquor & Groceries, where he’d bought his first winning tickets 14 months ago! There he picked some brand new 100X the Money Scratchers® lottery tickets and in a few moments became a second time lottery winner. Should you wish to try your luck with the same retailer, the shop is located at 1836 Divisadero Street in San Francisco. The lucky retailer will get a $25,000 bonus for selling the winning ticket.

“It was shock. Disbelief. I definitely defied the odds a lot more this time!” Frank Derfield confessed. His chances to hit the top prize stood at 1 to 3 million other players this time. Last time he won the California Lottery Ultimate Riches Scratchers game, they were at 1 to 700 thousand! “I had to call two friends over to the house to help calm me down!”

While his past lottery winnings helped Frank cover his wedding expenses, he feels a bit confused with the new win. “We’re too old to go out and party too much. So we’re going to bank it, go on a trip – maybe get rid of my ‘85 Toyota Camry; or maybe a house, but I don’t know…San Francisco, the housing market is crazy here!”

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