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Army Soldier Wins $5 Million On Scratch-Off Card!

Army Soldier Wins $5 Million On Scratch-Off Card!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Jesse Vonderhorst, 36 who is an army soldier based in Fort Drum has just landed a $5 million dollar prize with the New York Lottery! Vonderhorst purchased the scratch-off ticket at the Sunoco, which is located on Factory street in Watertown while he was there to fill up his car at the gas station. He opted for the Wild Bonanza Multiplier ticket which was $25, as he'd heard there'd been a recent local winner. "I like to play the higher-priced tickets,", "I had played enough of the $30 tickets. I hadn't played the Wild Bonanza Multiplier in a while so I took a chance". He scratched off the ticket as he got back to his car, and realized he'd won, "I was in shock when I saw the $5,000,000 prize. I went straight home and showed my wife. She asked me where I got the fake ticket, " Vonderhorst said jokingly. He's chosen to receive the prize money as a lump-sum which brings the winnings down to $3,309,000. Plans for the future include helping his three daughters financially as well as planning a family vacation, possibly to Disney!

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