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Iowa Man Wins $300,000 Lottery Prize From His Dream!

Iowa Man Wins $300,000 Lottery Prize From His Dream!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Kelvin Wynn, 57 from Iowa has just won a compound lottery prize worth $300,000 in total after following multiple signs from the universe, which drew him towards a particular number. His story started when he had a dream that he'd entered a hotel room which was the number 2112, in addition, Wynn works for a landscaping business and found that one of his clients' addresses happened to be this same number. The signs didn't stop there, stopping at a red light he noticed the registration plate of the car in front of him had 2112 as part of the plate and when purchasing a number of items at the store – the total ran up to $21.12. Through this sequence of events, his wife encouraged Wynn to play these numbers in the lottery, so he purchased Iowa Lottery's Pick 4 on Tuesday from QC Mart, 2842 E. 53 rd Street, which is located in Davenport and found he'd won the next morning when checking his numbers of "2-1-1-2" on the lottery's website. This is known as a straight play, which means he's won 10 prizes altogether which were worth $30,000 each. He didn't believe the news until he'd got his wife to double-check that he'd looked over everything correctly. The couple say the majority of the winnings will go towards financing their children's college education, aside from a few new golf clubs for Kelvin!

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