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Winner of $447 million Powerball lottery jackpot Steps Forward!

Winner of $447 million Powerball lottery jackpot Steps Forward!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Jeff Lindsay, has just come forward as the latest prize winner of the 10th biggest lottery jackpot in U.S history which is worth a monumental $447.8 million with the Powerball lottery. Lindsay has declined to have interviews with the media and news outlets, and did not wish to have his photo taken, however we do know the winner's name because it is the California state law to release the name of the winner, therefore it is not possible to remain completely anonymous. Lindsey purchased the winning ticket at Marrietta Liquor & Deli which is located at 27985 Bradley Road in Sun City, California. He ended up returning to the store to cash in a winning ticket with a relatively small prize, however something urged him to purchase another 10 whole Powerball tickets whilst he was there, one of which was worth almost half a billion! Ironically, Lindsey didn't even bother checking this particular ticket for a while, leaving it on his kitchen counter until he'd heard on the news that this huge prize had been purchased in Sun city. Upon checking the ticket, he realised that he had matched up all the winning numbers on the ticket which were 20, 26, 32, 38, 58 and finally the Powerball number 3! The winner has opted to receive his prize as a lump sum of $279.1 million before taxes, over the option of annual gradual instalments over his lifetime, so that’s a LOT of instant cash. Talking about this amazing sequence of events, Lindsey stated "We are obviously thrilled with this tremendous stroke of good luck and are still getting our arms around what it means for us", "We are private people and do not want to change who we are or become public figures and ask that people appreciate and respect our privacy". Now Lindsey has already made various plans to ensure his money, and his family's newfound wealth do not go to waste, he has hired a number of financial advisors to make sure he is able to maintain and grow this wealth for many generations to come as well as putting a portion of this money to give back to good causes and the community. What a lovely winner, it's great to hear that people are thinking not only of themselves, but of others too!

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