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Maryland Man Lands $10 million Jackpot!

Maryland Man Lands $10 million Jackpot!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Maryland Man Lands $10 million Jackpot! Woody Simmons, from Maryland had been screaming in his car after finding out that he'd won a huge jackpot of $10,000,000 with a Virginia lottery scratch-off game. Simmons, who is employed by the U.S. Postal Service recently stopped off at a local Woodbridge convenience store after noticing a sign he had never seen before about Extreme Millions, which is a new lottery game. He went in and ended up purchasing just a single ticket after thinking, "well, let me take a chance", succeeding this he scratched off the ticket in his car and realized he'd won and spent the next few minutes screaming with the windows up in his car. Ironically, even with all this excitement he was feeling, he went on with his day not telling anyone about the good news, not at work, and not even to his wife! When he finally did decide to tell his wife, she didn't believe him until he went back to the store, Optimax Service centre to claim his prize. Simmons, has chosen to receive his winnings as a lump sum of $6.5 million before taxes over receiving the full annuity of $10,000,000 over a period of 30 years. He's chosen to keep his plans for his winnings private, and hasn't given away whether he'll be taking any holidays or trips to Disneyland soon! The store however, will to receive a $50,000 incentive for selling the winning ticket.

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