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Lottery Winner Giving Away $250,000 Jackpot to Charity!

Lottery Winner Giving Away $250,000 Jackpot to Charity!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Terry McClelland, and his wife who are from Statesville, in North Carolina have won a $250,000 lottery prize and have already made plans of fulfilling their life-long dream by using this lottery money in order to donate it to a non-profit organization. McClelland, who is an army veteran stopped off at a Speedway, which is located on the Turnersburg Highway in Statesville when he decided to purchase a Diamond Dazzler ticket, and would you believe it, he beat the odds of 1 in 1.2 million to land the $250,000 prize. “When I scratched that ticket, I couldn’t believe it,” he said at the lottery headquarters. After realizing that he was a winner, following a discussion with his wife, who is also called Terry – they decided that they could finally fulfil his wife’s dream of starting a counselling centre, with the purpose of freeing people from various addictions. “This is what I was put on this earth to do, it’s my calling” she says. She is currently pursuing a doctorate in psychology and says that she spent all those years in college because she’s always wanted to use her knowledge to be able to help other people, and bless those who are struggling. The prize, will be worth $173,754 after tax and state withholdings, and it is really lovely to see someone use the money in order to be charitable to others.

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