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Louisiana Powerball Winner Claims $191M Winnings!

Louisiana Powerball Winner Claims $191M Winnings!

Monday, December 25, 2017

A huge Powerball prize, for a drawing dating back to October has finally been claimed by a family through a Partnership with is called 292 Family Partnership to withhold the winner’s identities for personal privacy purposes. The lottery jackpot, which was worth an estimated $191 million was claimed by the partnership’s attorney: Jean C. Breaux Jr., when she appeared at the Lottery headquarters on behalf of the clients’ consisting of three individuals’. Speaking on behalf of the individual’s, the attorney explained that the family play the lottery regularly and even kept copies of all their tickets. Interestingly, regarding the winning ticket on this occasion – the ticket was taken on a helicopter and back on a work trip and it wasn’t until a conversation occurred between the individual, and someone else in the partnership that they realized he’d checked the numbers against an older ticket, rather than the correct winning ticket. They will be receiving a total lump sum of $83,644,879 after all the required withholdings – which presents the largest single prize won in Powerball’s history. The numbers for the win were: 18, 22, 29, 54, 57 as well as the Powerball number 8 – and in case you’re wondering, the ticket was purchased from Brownie’s, which is located at 150 West Maple in Eunice who will also be receiving a financial incentive of $25,000 for selling the winning ticket. In a prepared statement, the winners said the following: “We are absolutely elated that we won. We are a quiet family and prefer not to be treated as celebrities. As for our plans, we like to travel and will continue to do that – maybe even upgrade a bit! For those who say that you’ll never win, well never was on October the 25th”. Just goes to show, that there’s never any harm in trying your luck as you could really win big!

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