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Man Receives Lottery Present Worth $75,000 From Grandma!

Man Receives Lottery Present Worth $75,000 From Grandma!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Tyson DeJaynes, who is from Abingdon is sure going to be thanking his grandmother after finding out that her lottery present to him, was worth $75,000! His grandmother, purchased the ticket – which was an Ultimate Crossword ticket for him from Casey’s General Store which is located at 101 S. Monroe St. in Abingdon. When he decided to scratch it off one morning, he was convinced that he had only won $50 – however later on he ended up checking the ticket 6 more times and concluded that it was actually $75,000! “Don’t give up, there is always a chance the new winner will be you” he exclaimed in delight. Now, he has decided that he would like to split the prize with his grandparents as well as paying off his car! The retailer will also be receiving a bonus of $750 for selling the winning ticket.

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