Latest Lottery News

Twin sisters win $6 million prize!

Twin sisters win $6 million prize!

Monday, February 29, 2016

California Lottery:

Lisa Toton and Laura Poorman, who are fraternal sisters, have hit a $6 million dollar prize with the California lottery!

Since their mom won $12,000, the twins- now in their early 40’s, have been regular players from around the age of 18. Toton, a married mother of two, decided to purchase a ticket after seeing a yellow ladybird on her way to pick up her son, this was a sign of luck for her. She ended up buying $20 worth of scratch off tickets, before screaming in her car when she realised she was a winner! She called her husband, messaged her sister, who immediately got up and walked out of a business meeting she was in.

The sisters, one who works in Etsy and other, who works in a consultancy firm have had a long standing rule in regards to winning the lottery. They’ve always agreed, if either of them won, whoever purchased the ticket gets 60% and the other receives 40%. They managed to reach lottery headquarters just 5 minutes before the office closed!

They opted for monthly payments of $20,000 over the next 25 years, rather than the lump sum. They plan on getting a vacation home, a new home, and Toton wants to help out her college-aged daughter. They don’t see their prize as life altering, and plan to continue their jobs!


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