Latest Lottery News

Michigan Woman Wins $250,000 Keno Prize, and Two Other Lottery Prizes!

Michigan Woman Wins $250,000 Keno Prize, and Two Other Lottery Prizes!

A woman, 42, who has opted to remain anonymous from Lansing, in Michigan was super happy to find out that she had won not one, not two, but 3 LARGE LOTTERY PRIZES all in one day. The lady told the story of how she originally bought her tickets from Kartar Liquor, which is located at 6200 South Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard in Lansing, and used a complete range of numbers which were carefully selected, consisting of birthday numbers and also a few random numbers too. The lady explained how she always plays her Keno numbers, around 3-4 times a week, and having won nothing all this time. She said that she was very close to giving up, but she decided to purchase those last few tickets to really test her luck. It wasn’t until the next day, that her cousin rang her up to tell her that someone in her area has won Keno, so she used the lottery app to check her tickets. Instantly, she saw she’d matched up the winning numbers..

Friday, February 22, 2019/Number of views (2299)/
Canadian Man Wins $33M With Ontario Lottery!

Canadian Man Wins $33M With Ontario Lottery!

Jason Goreski, 48 from Ontario in Canada has just stepped forward as the winner of a $33,000,000 Lottery prize with the Ontario Lottery. Goreski, who is a father of two, bought his winning ticket from Circle K, which is located on 9th Street in Owen Sounds, and was just about to head out to drive up to the beautiful Bruce Peninsula, to look at some dream cottages for him and his family when he decided to check the ticket. He then saw that he’d matched up four numbers already, and began shaking with excitement, and right after that – he saw that he’d matched up the last two numbers as well, which is when things became “hectic” he said. Goreski, was waiting for his kids, and girlfriend to get ready when this all happened, so he called his girlfriend over to double-check for him, and she was just as shocked as he was. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019/Number of views (2118)/
Wife Doesn’t Believe Husband Won $200,000 Lottery Prize!

Wife Doesn’t Believe Husband Won $200,000 Lottery Prize!

Donald Felger, from Fort Wayne couldn’t believe his $200,000 Hoosier Lottery prize was real! Felger, purchased his ticket which was a $5 20X The Cash - from Phil’s One Stop, which is located at 3540 Saint Joe Center Road in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He left it alone, till he was at home and started scratching it off, seeing an 18 appear above the $200,000 he immediately thought “This is not real”. This came as such a shock, that Felger didn’t even tell Kathryn, his wife, until the next morning. The next morning, Felger casually asked her if she was working Monday, and when she asked why, he told her that they needed to travel to Lottery headquarters in Indianapolis to claim their $200,000. His wife wouldn’t believe him, because he’s always playing practical jokes, so she thought this was just another one of those..

Wednesday, February 20, 2019/Number of views (4677)/
Canadian Man Wins $16M, plans to invest it!

Canadian Man Wins $16M, plans to invest it!

Alfonso Buonomo, from Calgary in Canada is ready to essentially wipe a clean slate on his life after finding out he’s won $16,300,000! Buonomo, 38, originally purchased his ticket from a Co-op gas bar which is located in Creekside at 11994 Symons Valley Rd. N.W for $4, and was at the store when he decided to check the ticket, which was for the January 2nd draw. When he first scanned the ticket, and saw the prize amount – it was so huge he thought it may be the barcode of the ticket not the winnings. Feeling shocked, when he realised that wasn’t the case, he decided the best thing to do would be to continue shopping so he could at least process the news whilst doing a mundane task. 

Monday, February 18, 2019/Number of views (2001)/
Pizza Craving Ends in $350,000 Win for Wisconsin Man!

Pizza Craving Ends in $350,000 Win for Wisconsin Man!

Steven Allen, a retired man from De Soto in Wisconsin is going to enjoy a much more financially cushioned retirement after winning a $250,000 prize with the Wisconsin Lottery! Allen, told the story of how he was craving pizza, specifically Rocky Rococo’s pizza so he decided to pick one up. On his way there, he stopped off at Festival Foods which is located at 30 Copeland Ave, La Crosse and bought a number of Lotto and scratchers tickets at the lottery machine in there. He usually has a set of numbers he plays, but on this occasion, he went for the Quick Pick option and thank goodness that he did as he wouldn’t have won otherwise. Allen used the Wisconsin website to check his tickets, and noticed that the number 17, 18 and 20 kept coming up and matching which made him do a double-take in shock. He says it still hasn’t sunk in for him, even after claiming this prize at the lottery headquarters. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019/Number of views (2081)/
Missouri Woman Wins Top Prize of $50,000 with Second-choice Lottery Ticket!

Missouri Woman Wins Top Prize of $50,000 with Second-choice Lottery Ticket!

Francie Elliot, from Lathrop in Missouri must be happy she bought a different lottery ticket than usual after finding out she’d won $50,000. Elliot was on her way to a particular destination, when she decided to stop off at the Holt Truck Stop, which is located at 4850 S.E. PP Highway in Holt. Whilst there, she was actually looking to purchase a “Missouri Lottery crossword-themed" scratchers which cost $5, however the store was out of stock so she decided to try her luck with a different set of tickets, a couple $3 “Daily Crossword” tickets. It wasn’t until later on that night, that it dawned on her to check the tickets she’d bought, Elliot casually went through the tickets till she got to the third one and maybe because it was night time, she didn’t even realise how many words were matching up. Much to her surprise, she’d actually matched up the letters on the scratchers to create 11 complete words, which is equivalent to the top prize of $50,000. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019/Number of views (2043)/
Missouri Woman Wins $100,000 with Gifted Lottery Ticket!

Missouri Woman Wins $100,000 with Gifted Lottery Ticket!

Virginia Watson, from Linn Creek in Missouri never expected, or believed that she could win the lottery, especially not $100,000. Watson was actually gifted her winning ticket, which was a “Money Tree” Missouri Lottery scratchers and explained how she’s pretty bad at checking the tickets, and recognising whether they are or aren’t winners. So, she’s made her own little strategy which involves setting the tickets aside, and always double-checking so she doesn’t miss anything. This occasion was no different, as she was going through her pile a second time when she said “Oh, my gosh! I think I won $100,000, $100,000” repeating the amount over and over, to try and make sense of reality. Soon after, she went straight to a retailer to have the ticket scanned, and once confirmed, there was lots of visible happiness. 

Thursday, February 7, 2019/Number of views (2380)/
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