Latest Lottery News

Woman wins $350,000 Cash 5 jackpot for the second time!

Woman wins $350,000 Cash 5 jackpot for the second time!

Lisa Williard, from North Carolina has got rid of all her current debt after winning a $355,141 Cash 5 lottery prize, her second win over the years. Williard purchased a number of these Quick Pick tickets at Barker's Log Cabin Grocery Too, which is located on Harmony Highway in Harmony. Her first ticket matched up 4 of the numbers, so she was already thinking about the dinner they were all gonna get with that $250, however the next ticket matched all five! She stated "It's like being struck by lightning twice".

Monday, January 23, 2017/Number of views (3372)/
Man wins $500,000 Birthday Prize with Georgia Lottery!

Man wins $500,000 Birthday Prize with Georgia Lottery!

Thomas Herron, 65, from Toccoa has just landed himself a huge birthday present worth $500,000 from a Georgia lottery ticket! Herron, purchased the $500,000 Bonus instant ticket game from the Royal Food Store, which is located at 2668 Mize Road, Toccoa after stopping at a fuel station to purchase some gas for his car. He stated, "I had a lucky feeling, my birthday was the next day, so I bought tickets". It was lucky that he followed his gut instinct, later realizing that he was a winner.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017/Number of views (3607)/
Oregon man discovers lottery ticket worth $1,000,000 8 days before it expired

Oregon man discovers lottery ticket worth $1,000,000 8 days before it expired

Joemel Panisa, from Oregon has found a lottery ticket worth $1,000,000 just 8 days before it was due to expire! Panisa purchased the winning ticket on the 25th of January, 2016 at a mini market along a highway by the city of Newport, however he then placed it in his home office and completely forgot about scratching it. Luckily, after the weather brought ice storms and snow to the state of Oregon, Panisa found the motivation to clean out his office, which led him to find that very ticket worth a huge amount of cash!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017/Number of views (3371)/
Lucky Circumstances Lead to $750,000 win for Family!

Lucky Circumstances Lead to $750,000 win for Family!

Jerry, and Gina Villa have started off the new year with a huge $750,000 prize coming their way, as if the stars aligned for this family. They purchased the $10 Mystery Crossword Scratchers ticket from their local CVS which is located at 1456 Easy Yosemite Avenue in Madera County. The timing of the win couldn't have been better, as Jerry, 50 who is a chef supervisor has been wanting to buy a home, but the thought of a 30 year loan was daunting. Now these perfect circumstances have changed everything, "It's kind of a big weight off my shoulders and I'm extremely grateful" he stated.

Monday, January 9, 2017/Number of views (3232)/
19-year-old Massachusetts man wins $1,000 a week for life lottery prize!

19-year-old Massachusetts man wins $1,000 a week for life lottery prize!

Zachary Pearson, 19 from Massachusetts has been given the best present he could have received: a $1,000 a week lottery prize that keeps on giving. Pearson was given lottery tickets for Christmas, and with the small winnings he received from these, he used the money to purchase more tickets which went on to land him the grand prize! A Social Security Administration calculator shows that the average male of Pearson's age has a life expectancy of 82 year old, therefore theoretically he will collect a whopping $3.3 million over his lifetime. In the future he plans to purchase a new car, as well as paying for his college tuition.

Sunday, January 8, 2017/Number of views (3426)/
$1.8 Million Mega Millions Ticket Claimed!

$1.8 Million Mega Millions Ticket Claimed!

Kiran Singh has had a great end to the year, winning $1,838,969 with Mega Millions from a draw back on December the 6th. He purchased the ticket at Creekside Cafe in Contra Costa County, which is located at 1581 Sycamore Avenue #9 in Hercules. The Mega Millions matched up five of the six numbers: 13, 34, 48, 53 and 63, just missing Mega number 12.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017/Number of views (3531)/
Long Island Couple Win $5,000,000 With Scratch-Off Ticket!

Long Island Couple Win $5,000,000 With Scratch-Off Ticket!

Michelle, and Dominic Nuzzi from Long Island have become the newest millionaires after landing a whopping $5,000,000 with a "Wild Bonanza Multiplier" scratch off ticket. Nuzzi bought multiple tickets, before going home to attend to some housework thinking nothing of it. However, once she took a seat at her kitchen table to scratch off the New York lottery tickets she'd purchased, she saw the number 49 match up on top and started screaming! Funnily enough, she thought she'd won just $5,000 at first, when the couple realized the number was actually $5,000,000, she had to use a magnifying glass on the ticket to be sure she wasn't seeing things.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017/Number of views (3661)/
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