A San Jose man has won $1.2 million while watering the flowers in his community church. It was to no surprise that true Catholics, Daniel Mendez and his wife, were puzzled at the absence of the traditional flowers usually surrounding the statue of the Virgin Mary at the Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church in San Jose. Feeling a strong urge to do something about it, they planted the flowers around the statue and have watered them every week since. The 86-year-old grandfather also badly needed money to cover his roof repairs, therefore established the routine of buying lottery tickets every time he watered the flowers in the hope to win some cash. Now, having won a lump sum of $696,000, he can afford a new roof for his house as well as some nice presents for his grandkids.
Sunday, September 4, 2016/Number of views (3317)/
Approaching your 70th birthday can be tough; however, a several million birthday prize could brighten things up. A $8 million share of the $16 million jackpot will make the perfect birthday present for Carl Benedict, a resident of probably the oldest city in the U.S., St. Augustine. The winner opted for a popular choice of getting his prize as a one-time, lump-sum pay-off, in this case amounting to $6,051,759.12. He also refrained from disclosing his further plans about his cash prize.
Thursday, September 1, 2016/Number of views (3146)/
Andres Ramirez, from Los Angeles has won a huge $5 million during a stop at a local donut shop. Ramirez, bought a few scratchers tickets while waiting for his food, however these tickets weren’t successful. Luckily on his way out, some $20 MAX-A-Millions tickets caught his eye, and he decided to test his odds once more! Ramirez was so excited, he scratched his ticket as soon as he got home, even before eating his food. The ticket was worth $5 million.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016/Number of views (3620)/
A family from Hamilton County, Indiana have come forward anonymously to claim the Mega Millions lottery prize worth a monumental $536 million. The winners were on their way out of town to a sporting event with their two young children, when they decided to purchase five quick pick tickets at a Speedway gas station, yet it wasn’t till a few days later that they remembered to scratch the tickets they’d previously bought. The numbers matched up! They have no immediate plans for the future, apart from looking after their children and carrying on with their jobs.
Friday, July 29, 2016/Number of views (6952)/
Yokasta Boyer, from Clifton has discovered a year-old lottery ticket worth $472,271 after sorting through her documents in preparation for due taxes. Boyer has both a full-time job and a part-time job, working 60 hours a week so the Jersey Cash 5 lottery ticket has done her a huge favor. She now hopes to be able to cut her work hours during the Christmas Holidays to spend more time with her loved ones.
Thursday, July 14, 2016/Number of views (3368)/
Jerran Gonzales, a 37 year old dental assistant has won $555,555 thanks to his sisters advice! Gonzales, from Los Angeles rarely plays the lottery, however his sister kept telling him: "you're going to win, you're going to win" over and over, this mentality stuck with him and he decided to test his luck during his lunch break. The first ticket he bought, from a scratchers game didn't land him anything, yet he decided to give it another shot, purchasing 3 $5 Power 5's games on his journey home. Gonzales has plans for the future which involve many vacations, and a new car!
Wednesday, July 13, 2016/Number of views (3754)/
Nancy Viola, and her husband Vito Viola, 37 have landed themselves a monumental $169 million with MegaMillions thanks to his mistake. Nancy asked her husband, a NYPD sergeant to buy her some Powerball tickets as the jackpot had grown to $900 million, however he ignored her and bought $1 QuickPick ticket- which ended up having all the winning numbers of: 11, 39, 51, 57, 75 and Mega Ball 2. They opted to claim a lump-sum of $64,796,160 which they cashed in by setting up a foundation called The Orbity Fund LLC.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016/Number of views (3599)/