Latest Lottery News


Valentine's lottery winning taken-imageFlorida Lottery: Rajeshkumar Kachhia, 53, of Middleburg, has claimed the third $3 million top prize in the Florida Lottery GOLD RUSH TRIPLER Scratch-Off game! Powerball: There were no jackpot winners Saturday, but 602,907 players across the nation won more than $3.2 Million in prizes in America's Game. Mega Millions: Six lucky players from across the nation matched 5 of the 6 white balls in the February 17th drawing and pocketed $250,000 each. California Lottery: A Sacramento man decided to buy himself a lottery ticket as a Valentine’s gift and purchased a $250 Million Cash Spectacular Scratchers® ticket which turned out to be a $1 million instant winner!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012/Number of views (3941)/

Powerball Ticket Worth $336 Million Sold in Rhode Island!

St Valentine's Day present-lottery winning imagePowerball: There was one Powerball jackpot winner Saturday and 2,777,231 additional players won prizes totaling more than $13.3 Million. Mega Millions: Nine lucky players from across the nation matched 5 of the 6 white balls in the February 10th drawing and pocketed $250,000 each. California Lottery: The winner of an $11 million SuperLotto Plus jackpot from two weeks ago has presented his winning ticket to California Lottery officials. Florida Lottery: Vojko Bakrac, 61, of Jacksonville, has claimed the February 3 MEGA MONEY jackpot of $500,000!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012/Number of views (3714)/

Georgia Woman Wins $72 Mega Millions Jackpot!

Marcia Adams- Mega Millions winner Mega Millions: Marcia Adams, 33, matched all of the winning numbers in the January 24th Mega Millions drawing for an astounding $72 million jackpot prize! California Lottery: A very lucky California Lottery player who purchased matched all five numbers in the February 1st Fantasy 5 drawing for a whopping $521,460 top prize! Florida Lottery: Alexandra Chaar, 21, of Clearwater, has claimed a $1 million top prize in the $1,000,000 MONOPOLY Scratch-Off game! Powerball: There were no jackpot winners Saturday, but 1,250,765 players across the nation won more than $5.5 Million in prizes in America's Game.
Monday, February 6, 2012/Number of views (4183)/

$71 Million winning Mega Millions Ticket Sold in Atlanta!

Thumbs up signMega Millions: Some incredibly lucky player bought a winning jackpot ticket in southwest Atlanta for the January 24th Mega Millions Mega Millions drawing worth $71 million! California Lottery: A player in Orange County is a lot richer today after matching all six numbers in the January 26th SuperLotto Plus draw for a stupendous jackpot prize worth an estimated $11 million! Florida Lottery: Win the Lottery twice? Yep, that’s what happened to this lucky player. Gordon Deadmond, 67, of Lehigh Acres in Florida, has claimed the January 17 MEGA MONEY jackpot of $550,000! Powerball: There were no jackpot winners Saturday, but 818,192 players across the nation won more than $3.8 Million in prizes in America's favorite Game.
Monday, January 30, 2012/Number of views (3967)/

$17 Million SuperLotto Plus Ticket Claimed!

California Lottery: Two winners came forward to claim their $17 million jackpot from the December 21, 2011 SuperLotto Plus draw. Florida Lottery: Ann Roby, 72, of Plaistow, NH, has claimed a $500,000 prize in the GOLD RUSH TRIPLER Scratch-Off game! Mega Millions: Eight lucky players from across the nation matched 5 of the 6 white balls in the January 20th , 2012 drawing and won $250,000 each. Powerball: A New Mexico couple has claimed the new Powerball game’s first million! Larry and Cynthia Martinez of Blanco, New Mexico were the happy winners of the nation's first $1 million prize in the new Powerball game launched Sunday.
Monday, January 23, 2012/Number of views (3881)/

208 Million MEGA Millions Jackpot Claimed in New York by California Resident!

Daniel Bruckner, Mega Millions winner from San Jose Mega Millions: Daniel Bruckner, a financial analyst from San Jose, is the lucky winner of the January 13th, 2012 drawing for a whopping $208 million MEGA Millions jackpot. Florida Lottery: Ruben Thomas, 71, of Dothan, AL, has claimed the January 10 MEGA MONEY jackpot of $1.8 million! Powerball: There were no jackpot winners Saturday, but 659,312 players across the nation won more than $6 Million in prizes in America's Game. California Lottery: Who says Friday the 13th is unlucky? Jason A., who just claimed his Mega Millions $197,000 prize from the January 13th drawing wouldn’t agree with that!
Monday, January 16, 2012/Number of views (4183)/


Lucky clover leaf with ladybirds-imageFlorida Lottery: Barbara Horne, 53, and Daisy Reid, 76, both of Miami, claimed top prizes this week at Florida Lottery headquarters. Powerball: There were no jackpot winners Saturday, but 664,468 players across the nation won more than $6.7 Million in prizes in America's Game. California Lottery: A Bay Area resident haa started the new year off with a bang by becoming the 18th instant $1 million winner of the Lottery’s $250 Million Cash Spectacular game. Mega Millions: Seven lucky players from across the United States matched 5 of the 6 white balls in the January 6th, 2012 drawing and won $250,000.
Monday, January 9, 2012/Number of views (4075)/
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