Current Jackpot: $484,000,000
Powerball Lottery Prizes and Odds
Playing the Powerball Lottery is quick and easy, plus it's fun!
Powerball is a very large combination draw and cash game. To play, simply visit a ticket retailer near you in one of the 44 states that participate in this hugely popular lotto game, or a ticket retailer in the US Virgin Islands, Washington, DC or Puerto Rico.
Don't live within the US? No problem! You can still play America's favorite lottery game by going online to a reputable website that sells Powerball Lottery tickets and play right from your own home or anywhere you have access to the internet. Many people who do live near a ticket retailer prefer to play online because it's so convenient.
Playing the Powerball Lottery
Each ticket costs $2. If you want the Powerplay which increases the amount you win, each Powerplay is $1.
The jackpot prize is yours if your numbers match all five of the white balls, in any order as well as the red Powerball. You may choose to receive your jackpot winnings as an annuity paid out over 29 years in30 payments, or you may opt to receive a lump sum payment. If you decide to choose the annuity, the yearly payment will be increased each year by the percentage set out in Powerball game rules.
If your ticket matches five white balls in any order, you win $1 million. This is paid in cash, as are all lesser prizes. If you don't match any of the 5 white numbers but match the red Powerball, you're a winner. The odds of winning a prize in the Powerball Lottery are about 1 in 55.
Powerball Lottery Odds
Take a look at the chart below to see your odds of winning a prize when you play the Powerball game. As you can see, there are 9 ways to win, so if you don't hit the big jackpot, you can still win up to $1 million! The Power Play option offers the chance of drawing the multipliers 2X, 3X, 4X, or 5X for the other set prize levels, but the second prize will never be less than 5X.
Grand Prize
1 in 175,223,510
1 in 5,153,633
1 in 648,976
1 in 19,088
1 in 12,245
1 in 360
1 in 706
1 in 111

1 in 55