There was once a man called Santiago, who prayed to win a lottery every day. “Estimado Dios”, he addressed God in Spanish, “could you please let me win a lottery just once”, he asked. He died without winning one single prize.
When he saw God on the other side of the Universe, Santiago asked Him, why He didn’t let him win the lottery just once. While God responded:”You should have bought a lottery ticket at least once”.
Have you ever felt like Santiago, dreaming to achieve something without making a single step towards it?
One of the Mega Millions winners was questioned by his wife, why he wasted money to buy a lottery ticket. “I did not waste money at all”, he replied, “I bought a chance to become wealthy”. Having won a Mega Millions prize, apparently he was right, he did become quite wealthy.
No matter what they say, provided you do not expect a large fortune very soon, lottery may give you one of the very few available chances to improve your bank balance in no time. Just try it for once

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